Omro Softball Tournament

Goal is to provide a competitive tournament, for multiple age groups, that small schools/programs to participate in.

Not intended for tournament/travel teams.


2 Different Divisions

  • 10U: $300 
  • 12U: $300

Players must be communicated age or younger by August 31, 2024.


One day tournament is scheduled for June 21, 2025.

Please hold June 22th for any potential weather delays.


For 2024 Softball: 10U will be at the Varsity field. All other age groups canceled.

Omro High School Baseball/Softball Fields for 12U and 15U. 10U will be held at the Omro Elementary Field.


Each team is guaranteed three games. Tie-breakers will be used to determine tournament champion.


  • 0 games - Full Refund
  • 1 game - 50% Refund
  • 2+ games - No Refund


No carry-ins allowed. Please support our concession stand.

2025 Omro 10/12U Softball Tournament

Omro Softball hosts a four team, round robin, one day tournament on a Saturday each summer. Teams should plan on reserving the following Sunday in the event inclement weather forces game delays.

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